Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tale of a Fiery Nature.

Let's start this blog with a very basic and widely known true story about a certain bunny. A certain bunny that could breathe fire. It's true, not only he could breathe fire but he was so good at it that he ended up being the key inspiration for the creator of the flamethrower. Yes, very impressive, but this is not a post about how bunnies were responsible for the gift to humanity that we call flamethrower.

As I was describing, this bunny excelled at breathing fire. The main issue was that the other bunnies did not appreciate his fiery ability AT ALL. Long story short, the bunny was frequently bullied and excluded from social affairs because of this. He was a very perseverant bunny, so he tried to make the best out of it and became a master barbecue chef. His specialty: roasted carrots.

Unfortunately the only ones who embraced the bunny's innovative cuisine were the vegan & vegetarian crowd. Since fire-breath bunny only served his creations at BBQ contests and fairs, this vegan crowd was reduced to 1 to 2 peeps (in a good day), maximum. Soon he had to declare bankruptcy and quit his roasted carrot business.

Obviously upset, the bunny decided that the only way that he could honour his fire-breathing gift would be to... join the circus! He trained and trained,day and night, learned how to breathe fire-rainbows, but when he finally got to the point of getting an audition for Cirque Du Soleil something awful occurred: PETA interveened and did not allow the circus to hire a rodent. Something along the lines of animal exploitation and cruelty. That was a big shame, the Cirque du Soleil was really looking forward to hire him, obviously.

Desolated, feeling rejected and completely hopeless, our dear bunny hero fled to the deep forests where he knew that he could enjoy some nice peace and quiet. No one judged him there, he could breathe fire all day long without a care in the world.

And that my friends, is how forest fires came to be. Descendants of that bunny still perpetuate his lovely tradition of burning everything they possibly can, just to teach nature and society a lesson about understanding and prejudice.

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