Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bunny Baking

One of the main misconceptions out there regarding bunnies is that they eat carrots. WRONG. They only eat carrots in carrot cakes or muffins. This is true.

You can see where I'm going with this: bunnies invented carrot cakes. And they also invented frosting. It was hard too, as there's obviously a very limited supply of stand mixers in the wild, so bunnies have to make do with very artisanal methods and tools. It's a very complex process, where bunnies will take different roles: lumberjack bunnies will be responsible for gathering wood (or asking a beaver to help out), fire breathing bunnies will start the fire, little bunnies will shred the carrots, old granny bunnies will mix the batter. And ninja bunnies will steal honey from bees and milk cows without them noticing it. I'm not sure if any bunnies decorate the cakes, that aspect hasn't been well covered by scientific studies yet.

I know, so much trouble just to get carrot cakes when you could be getting chocolate cheesecake from your favorite bakery! But back in the day there were no bakeries, so that's the only way that they could get their fuzzy paws on some warm, delicious carrot cake.

Some bunnies still carry on with this traditional carrot cake baking to this day, but bummier bunnies can be seen on occasion lining up at Tim Hortons for those semi-edible items they insist to label as carrot muffins... What can you say? Some people (or bunnies) have no standards.

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