Saturday, June 25, 2011

From Pom-Pom to FRO

Today's topic is a bit of an obscure one: did you know that bunnies invented curly hair? It's true, too.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of thousands of years ago, back in Pangea, bunnies didn't have the same appearance as they do today. Their fur was long, curly and very gracious if I may add. All other animals who had fur weren't lucky enough to be blessed with lovely locks like the bunnies did, everyone else had straight fur or hair. Really straight, no waves in sight.

Obviously everyone envied the bunnies and harassed them, trying to find out what their secret was... But the poor fluffy bunnies had no answer, as they couldn't talk and all they would really worry about was when the next batch of carrot cake would be ready. Bunnies are always hungry, you see.

The other animals didn't ever stop the harassment, though. Day and night, they would bug the bunnies, kidnap them, roast them and generally torture the poor things... Bunnies were forced to learn how to run REALLY FREAKING FAST and to dig holes in the ground to hide during the day. They also eventually realized that the torment would never stop and chose to give away their beautiful locks... yes, bunnies also invented the flat iron hair straightener. It became tabu in bunny society to display curly fur, all curly bunnies where immediately punished and ostracized from their social groups.

But anyhow, with time other animal evolved to have curly hair, but only because the bunnies inspired them to do so. So now you can thank that cute little one eyed bunny at your local pet store for the gift of fros and curls.

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