Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bunnies invented Canada

OK, OK, there is no need to be upset, I will explain why (and how) Bunnies invented Canada. And it's a true story, as usual!

The first thing that needs to be explained is that, in essence, Canada is pretty much an ice cube with a luscious, intense, thick, omnipresent forest composed of 99,99% pine trees covering said ice cube (AKA Canada). Canadians are the folks who live in this frozen land, and there is no surprise in the fact that many Canadians will wear plaid shirts and carry axes with them, as a place with so much pine is obviously doomed to be a hotspot for lumberjacks.

So, back to the original question: what the heck do bunnies have to do with Canada?

You see, bunnies invented pine. I swear! Would I lie to you? Exactly. They invented pine because they love Christmas, but the Bunnies felt that the holiday was missing something... I mean, before pine trees ever existed Christmas trees were traditionally palm trees, and there's only so many ornaments you can hang on a palm tree. So the more geeky and science inclined bunnies did a favor to their grandmothers and developed this new kind of tree, making sure that the trees would grow in nice layers in suck a way to optimize ornament hanging spots, but also letting it hold a bit of snow for an extra glittery effect.

Back to Canada, let's make our case. 99.99% of Canada is composed of pine since the ice cube substrate is basically water, and since water is tasteless, odourless and basically a big puddle of neutrality - therefore Canada is actually a big pine tree collection. So there, bunnies invented Canada!

No wonder Canada's first official flag (called "Eyes on the pom pom") featured a big bunny as its central symbol.

Now you know!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It is with great pride that the Bunnies Did it team presents our second Bunny History documentary:

Fascinating, no?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bunnys & Pillows

Today's post involves pillow fights. You will be delighted. Take one, 1 minute of your time to see this educational video on how Bunnies invented pillows out of necessity!

You are very welcome.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pop! goes my pom-pom

Before I start I must advise our readers that this is a British-located narrative in nature, so no complaints will be accepted - read at your own risk. Go protest against William and Kate somewhere else.

As I share this excellent historical fact with you, unwashed masses, I'm enjoying a delicious, very fizzy and also very cold glass of pop. And I have bunnies to thank for that! You see, a couple of hundred years ago British rabbits were desperately bored. They had every reason to be bored: terrible weather all year around, no movie theaters, romantic rubbish on paperbacks weren't naughty enough yet to catch your attention for more than 5 minutes... So they had to make do with what they had and get creative.

And what they did have was the meadows, rivers, carrots, berries and predators. A very lucky bunny discovered naturally carbonated water lakes, subsequently inviting tons of bunnies to share the bubbly pool. Bunnies are very ticklish (ask anyone) so that was an instant hit. A second bunny (a clever one, if I may add) started making fresh berry juice with that water, rapidly becoming a lagomorph hero of sorts. It was really an explosion of flavors in your mouth! So, much the same way today's soda commercials portray young peeps having a blast while they drink pop, the bunnies danced, played the piano and bounced around as if they were in a rave party when they consumed this berry drink. That was before they discovered beer, naturally.

So there you have it, bunnies did that too. You should thank them if you haven't done so already.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bunnies invented pancakes

First evidence right here, more details on today's late night report.

Actually, there will be no report as the picture is self-explanatory.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


OH YES! 2011 is the year of the Rabbit. Really, this is important.
Real rabbit.
We should most definitely celebrate. I'll celebrate by sharing a quick fun fact about bunnies: they invented the modern calendar. That's why they get a whole year for themselves. It's true.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Newsflash!! Bunnies invented lobsters.

The evidence is clear: Bunnies invented lobsters. Google Image search never lies.

Yes, the Bunnies Did It team found that while searching for bunnies playing cards pictures.